If you like to cook Tamil Muslim Cuisine recipes this (இஸ்லாமிய சமையல் வகைகள்) the App for you.
Most to the recipes are shared from our Muslim friends. Now you can try their recipes at your home and enjoy.
Tamil Muslim cuisine is influenced by Arab and middle eastern cuisines. we have collection of 800+ recipes to cook.
All the recipes are in Tamil (தமிழ்) language with step by step instructions. we have recipes from muslim community from Arcot, Keelakarai, Kayalpatnam and other places
Cook and enjoy with family and friends and don't forget to give feedback to improve the application.
1. Use this Application to read others recipes and learn different approaches of cooking the same recipe.
2. Use this Application to cook certain recipes and enjoy it.
3. Use this Application to create your own recipes by learning from others recipes.
4. Use this Application as references Catering students, cooking school, chefs.
1. Browse recipes by category.
2. Add to favourites and remove from favourites recipes..
3. Share recipes (URL) with your friends and family.
4. Share this application with your friends and family encouraging them to download and use it.
5. No internet connection is needed. No need too carry cooking books around to friend place, travelling or camping its right there in you device.
Download the our app or go online to http://www.indiantamilrecipe.com
If you have any kind of problem please write to our SUPPORT and avoid negative reviews as we cannot respond directly to reviews. We guarantee we response time in a timely. Send us your questions, doubts or any complaints that you have. We promise to get back to you!